Thursday, June 9, 2011

The organic metaphor and some systems theories

The purpose of this lecture is recognizing the difference between a “machine metaphor” and a “system metaphor”; systems metaphor does not see organization as complex as machine metaphor. It works from the metaphoric concept that an organization is like an organism (Miller, 2009). Meaning, organization should be conceptualized in behavior and interact within it environment in order to survive. Further, there are three exemplary and unique of systems metaphor theories that relevant to organization communication: firstly, Cybernetic (Weiner 1948), Consists of several inter-related components, highlighted feedback and self-steering regulation towards a goal, secondly Weick’s Theory, emphasized in making sense of equivocality in the information environment and lastly New Science, emphasized complexity as the nature of self-organizing systems. In group discussion of Sense Making after Acquisition case analysis; our group believed that Weick’s Theory existed in this case. Equivocality or uncertainty were exists because of many different ways in which information are interpreted by Helen. Moreover, through network analysis, the relationships she made around, creating uncertain and hinder her thoughts. Helen was too dependent on other and stiff; she kept on waiting instead of making up solution for her own. The best solution in Helen’s case is Retention. As Weick’s (1979) noted that when someone having too many information that resulting his or her having difficulties to take action, retention is suggested to form and to make sense of future uncertainty of information environment (p. 132).

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